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Raps Voltage W V4/V8

The Raps Voltage Women is a comfortable half-softboot especially for ladies. The reads used (foot shape) is aligned with the ladies foot. The shoe is adapted to the anatomy of the woman. The V8 triangular tube is indestructible. The skate has a steel runner with a hardness of 61 + HRC. This is harder than any other skate in its price range and also means less often sharpening.

Availability: På lager

kr 2 462,58

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kr 2 462,58

The Voltage Women is a comfortable half-softboot especially for ladies.
The reads used (foot shape) is aligned with the ladies foot.
The shoe is adapted to the anatomy of the woman.
Raps developed this softboot in 1997 as an alternative to the hard boots of competitors.

The V8 triangular tube is indestructible. The skate has a steel knife march with a hardness of 61 + HRC.
This is harder than any other skate in its price range and also means less often sharpening.
The voltage V8 is fully adjustable (side and forward and back) and also interchangeable with inline skates.
The V8 triangle tube is relatively simple to build a clap skate using a clap set.

The V4 tube is not adjust

Merker Raps
Delivery Time 5-7 Days
Pris kr 2 979,76
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