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Powerslide Core Trinity Frame 3x125mm

Powerslide Core Trinity Frame The patented trinity mounting system is designed for high performance racing. Tested by the best speed skaters in the world, who demand perfection, Powerslide developed the Core frame. Critical advantages for speed skating such as being more rigid, less vibration and more stable, are at the heart of the trinity mounting system. The Powerslide core TRINITY racing frame is "frame perfection". Manufactured using a mixture of extrusion and machining, Powerslide has created a unique looking frame. It's more than just good looking, function air channels enhance air flow and reduce drag around the spinning wheels.

Availability: På lager

kr 3 024,26

* Påkrevde felt

kr 3 024,26

Powerslide CoreTrinity Frame 3x125mm features:

  • Size: 3x125mm | 12,5" (318mm)
  • Weight: g
  • Mounting: Trinity
  • Deck height front: 114,5mm
  • Deck height rear: 125,5mm
  • Color: Silver
  • Size: 3x125mm | 12,8" (325mm)
  • Weight: g
  • Mounting: Trinity
  • Deck height front: 114,5mm
  • Deck height rear: 125,5mm
  • Color: Silver

The core trinity frame is a perfect mix of extrusion and machining. This combination of manufacturing processes means that we have been able to achieve designs and shapes that are unthinkable for other frame designs.

Aluminium alloys are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon and zinc. The aluminium we use for the XXX frame contains more zinc and has a higher tensile strength than regular aluminium; important for the strength and rigidity of the frames. The frame is also T6 heat treated.

The core trinity frame has taken a radical approach to it’s design, and as well as thinking about fundamentals such as stiffness and stability it also incorporates aerodynamics. As racing speeds increase and also wheel sizes getting bigger, then it’s only natural that aerodynamics are becoming an important factor. Using inspiration from F1 and the road cycling market for design cues to expel turbulent air.

Merker Powerslide
Diameter 125 mm
Delivery Time 2-3 Days
Pris kr 3 659,36
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