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EVO Steel Laser 527

EVO Steel Laser 527 is the newest high end ice blade of EVO. The clap mechanism is different from the other EVO blades, it is the same kind like the Maple blades use. The Steel Laser runner is a PM bimetal blade 64+hrc. The laser welded tube is more stiiff than the spot welded tube. The clap mechanism is fit together with bolds, this is way better than with use soldering and rivets. They try to use almost the whole tube but still have a nice finish without plastic caps.

Availability: På lager

Vanlig pris: kr 7 191,05

Special Price kr 6 614,96

* Påkrevde felt

Vanlig pris: kr 7 191,05

Special Price kr 6 614,96

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Delivery Time 5-7 Days
Pris kr 8 701,15
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