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EVO Adore adult

EVO Adore adult inline boot is a high value for it's money inline boot. Te Adore boot has a lightweight and supportive glas fiber shell with thermoplastic integration allows for custom fit and adjustment. Sport liner insole provides additional comfort and the strong synthetic laether outer give the boot a good look. Precise last design provides high level of comfort.

Availability: På lager

kr 2 013,43

* Påkrevde felt

kr 2 013,43

EVO Adore Adult Inline boot features

- Black inline boot with fiberglass shell, thermoplastic heel counter
- Ultra strong synthetic leather outer
- Sport Liner
- Protective trim on the outside of the boot
- Wax laces
- Metal micro buckle

Shoe size 36 to 47, from size 40 executed in wide mold.
Mounting 195 mm in all shoe sizes.

Merker EVO
Delivery Time 2-3 Days
Pris kr 2 436,21
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